Month: June 2024


Task Description: Today I finished my task about dialogue. In this task I had to write some sentences with the word with the example at the top of the page. Overall this was really easy and simple  to finish and I really liked it. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I hope you like it 🙂

The Three Little Pigs

Task Description: Today I finished my task about the Three little pigs. In this task I had to retell the Three little pigs in my own words. Overall this task was really easy and simple to do because I knew the story really well. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I hope you like it 🙂


Once upon a time….. There was a family of 4 and they were living in a small house so their mum said that it is time for them to find a new house for them to live in so the three little pigs left the house and went to go find a new house. The three little pigs walked for hours and hours until one pig stopped and was very tired so he thought it was a good place to build a house so he looked and found some straw and made a house out of straw. The other two pigs kept walking until another pig was out of breath and decided to build his house around where he was standing. The pig looked around and saw some sticks and decided to make a house out of sticks. The last pig kept walking and found a good spot and found some bricks to make a house out of the bricks. After a while a wolf came around and wanted to eat some pigs so he went to the first house and he said “little pigs little pigs let me come in” and the first little pig said “not by the hair on my chinny chin chin” so the big bad wolf huffed and puffed and blew the first house down. The first little pig ran to the second little pig and then the wolf came and said  “little pigs little pigs let me come in” and the second and first little pigs said “not by the hair on my chinny chin chin.”Then the second little pig and the first little pig ran over to the third little pig and then the big bad wolf came and said “little pigs little pigs let me come in” and the little pigs said “not by the hair of my chinny chin chin” so the big bad wolf huffed and puffed and tried to blow the house down but the house didn’t budge so he climbed on top of the roof and climbed down the chimney the three little pigs heard him up on the roof so they lit the fire then when the wolf fell down and then the wolf fell down and burnt his butt and then he ran out of the house and they lived happily ever after. THE END.

Matariki Research Presentation

Task Description: Today I finished my research presentation about matariki.  In this task I had to answer some questions and state a few facts and then I had to pick 4 different stars and write their meanings and also sing a song about matariki and at the end I had to draw a picture of the stars of matariki. Overall this task was really easy and fun to complete and finish. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I really hope you like it 🙂

Jackie Chan Research Presentation

Task Description: Today I finished my research presentation about Jackie Chan In this task I had to answer some questions and state some facts about him and on like the last page I had to draw a Kung Fu scene. Overall this was kind of easy but also kind of hard to complete. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I hope you like it 🙂

Maths Task of The Week

Task Description: Today I finished my maths task of the week. In this task had to do a bunch of different maths words problems that include multiplication, division and fractions. Overall this task was really simple and easy to complete and finish. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I really hope you like 🙂

Haiku Poems

Task Description: Today I finished my task about haiku poems. In this task I needed to create 4 different poems There had to be about seasons and the last one I had to put in my own image for me to write about and I picked some doughnuts. Overall this task was really fun and kind of easy I think I got a few wrong but it’s fine. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I really hope you like it 🙂

Morgan Freeman Research Presentation

Task Description: Today I finished my task about Morgan Freeman in this task I had to answer a bunch of questions about him and also state a few facts about him I also had to do a picture of one of his television shows I think and also I had to write some of the movies. Overall this was pretty easy and also a little bit hard to complete and it was also kinda fun. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I hope you like it 🙂

Maths Task Week6

Task Description: Today I have finished my maths task of the week. In this task I had to answer some fraction questions and some other types. Overall this was kind of easy and a little bit hard to complete but it was fine. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I hope you like it 🙂