Tag: Maths

Number Of The Week

Task Description: Today I finished my number of the week. This task is all about answering questions and doing activity for the number you are given this week’s number is 2348. I liked this task because it was fun and very easy to finish because it was very basic to accomplish. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I hope you like it.

Number Of The Week

Task Description: Today I finished my number of the week task this week’s number is 1289. This task is all about doing stuff and making stuff with numbers and using the main number which is 1289. I liked this task because it was fun and easy to complete the reason why this was fun is because it was really easy and cool. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I hope you like it.

Maths Task

Task Description: Today I finished my maths task of the week this was called problem solving this is so I can get ready for my maths test that is coming up. I did not like this because it took too long it was really boring and it was kind of hard. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I hope you like it.

Number of the Week

Task Description: Today I finished off my number of the week task this week’s number was 554. This task was fun because who does not like a number of the week task and I also liked this task because it was really quick and easy to accomplish. Anyways please leave a positive comment down below this blog post and I hope you like my number of the week.

Number of the week

Number Of The Week

Task Description: Today I finished my number of the week’s task. This task was super easy and fun because I got to choose my own number I had to be three numbers so I picked the easiest which is 111. I liked this task because it was fun and easy to finish. Anyways Please leave a positive comment down below the post and I hope you like my number of the week post.

Research Presentation

Task Description: Today I finished my research presentation task. This task was easy but also kind of hard because I did not know some of the questions but it was also easy because of the video on volcanoes and the article on volcanoes. I liked This task because it did not take too long to finish. Anyways Please leave a positive comment down below the post and I hope you like my research presentation task on volcanoes.